Hanuman is the first full fledged animated movie to portray the valour of the great Hanuman in an awesome animated style.
This film rewrites the image of Indian animated industry in an incomparable way. This movie subdues the opinions of people thinking that "India's animation industry is in its infancy stage."
That is the power of Hanuman, he can turn around all negative conceptions in less than a fraction of second. Just think about him for a minute or second before you embark on a decision or anything, success will embrace you with its finest touch. This is what had happened to Indian animation industry also.
The story of the movie does not have any deviations from the real life story of Hanuman. Hanuman helps Sri Ram and Laxman to recover Sita devi from the clutches of demon king Ravana by using his intellectual and physical prowess.
If you haven't watched this animated movie, then I would say that you have been missing a spectacular movie that can bring you loads of happiness.
Released date Oct 21 2008
Directed by V.G.Samant
Voice over Mukesh Khanna